We had FHE with the Rich's and the Hall's. Spoons and Scattergories followed. And the boys are planning to go see The Dark Knight without the girls on Saturday night. Michael and I are a little depressed that girls aren't allowed.
I forgot to take pictures of everything. I apologize for another picture-less post.
We borrowed a bunch of movies from Jaime and Jason after last week's episode of the Bachelorette. Last night we were up until midnight because we just HAD to see the end of GI Joe. I am of the opinion that no matter how good looking he is, Channing Tatum is and always has been a terrible actor (except we all liked him in She's the Man, admittedly).
I won Tuesday night's game of Clue. Michael & Andy didn't even see it coming. Yesssss.
When Zack Morey asked for our address we were sure they were going to send us something announcing they were going to have a baby. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Apparently a thank you card from their wedding is on its way :)
I have avoided doing dishes. Which makes wanting to be in our very small kitchen very unappealing. And thus the vicious cycle continues.
Michael has seen many many turtles at work. He thinks it's real cool.
I had my first cello lesson. And discovered that the thirty-minute long variety are good for children who have no attention span, but not as helpful for a girl who really wants to learn and to learn fast. Simona (she's from Romania) taught me how to hold the bow. That's what I'm working on this week. It's harder than one might think to practice very little more than holding a bow for an hour every day.
More Blue Bell Ice Cream. Hehe... This week's variety: Cookies & Cream.
Work was much better. I'm getting better at making calls (averaging 12 calls per hour... which seems real pathetic) and have actually talked to some interested people. However, I will never ever complain about having only a twenty hour work week and a three day weekend.
It's been stormy. Lots of rain. Lots of lightning. And lots of white-knuckle driving while lightning flashes across the sky in ways I've never witnessed in real life.
Gas prices have gone from $3.06 to $3.30 per gallon (that may be an exaggeration, but only slightly). I have an inkling that prices go up when it starts to get stormy because people start freaking out and making sure they have gas (like me). I'm patiently waiting for the price to go back down.
We've been preparing for a Sunbeam class without the fantastic Sister McCready. As well as for talks on Sunday. They told us we could talk about whatever we want. I'm the one who doesn't make decisions, so... eek!
I talked with my dear cousin Sierra for an hour while I went grocery shopping. It was an exceedingly pleasant shopping trip, if I do say so myself.
We found out some exciting news that I probably shouldn't share until they've shared it on Facebook. But I screamed and I was mad that Michael wasn't as excited as I was.
I spoke to my dear sister-in-law Elise while I drove to watch the Bachelorette. I said, "Haaaiiiiii!" in that really excited drawn out sort of way. Don't worry, I just said it again to myself in our empty apartment to see if there was any other way to spell it. There's not.
We spent most of the afternoons and evenings in our underwear, unless we went somewhere or have company. Is that too much information? Probably. It's just so dern hot around here, even when it's raining. Especially when you're trying to save on an ever-increasing electricity bill.
I braved the weather to go watch the Bachelorette: The Men Tell All at Jaime & Jason's. A quick opinion: Chris just needs to stop being so snotty. Actually he could just stop speaking at all. And Sean, he's just sweet. Also, I've been thinking about praying for Emily to make the right decision. And by right decision I mean picking Jef.
During commercials, I helped Jaime get
her blog up and going. And by help I mean telling her to go to picmonkey.com to create a collage and then watching her figure out what she wanted to put on the side bar.
I received a small package in the mail from my mom. The annual Shuler Girl's Weekend took place last week and she bought me an owl necklace. I wore it two days ago.
We kissed a lot. Muahahahaha!
I missed my family (when I say family, I include my family-in-law, just to let you know). Both sides went camping recently and I sure wish I could've been there for both occasions (both were up Payson Canyon also, which is pretty close to my favorite place in the world).
He's home!! Better go play with him, or he gets a little whiny ;)
I kinda like it.