Like I told y'all in
this post, we picked up the Audubon Experience package, and on October 5th, we ran off to the Insectarium and another walk up and down Canal Street. Much of the museum was geared toward kids, so maybe we're childish for enjoying it as much as we did, but what of it?
But we really did enjoy petting cockroaches, sampling the waxworms and crickets (we even got a stamp that says "I ate a bug!"), and gawking over millions of beetles pinned in lovely ways and the biggest wasp we've ever seen (cracker jackers, anyone?).

As a note: we did find the Butterfly Garden beautifully decorated, but with a disappointing lack of butterflies. I remember going through a Butterfly Garden at the Hogle Zoo long ago, and it was a magical experience, so maybe I've been tainted, but this one just couldn't compare.
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