Tuesday, August 21, 2012

we've got a cockroach...

Meet our cockroach.

We've seen him three times, all three sightings were at night when it was dark and hot in the apartment and we were getting home from some adventure. Flip on the light switch in the kitchen, and there he is.

Michael's tried to catch him with a cup, but those little creepers are fast. That's where my bruise comes from. I was observing Michael's catching progress, and suddenly that thing sprang at me. I screamed, turned, and ran right into one of our seriously heavy metal chairs. Keep in mind, the photo you're seeing was taken days after the actual occurrence. Roaches are large and terrifying.

We bought a trap when we had spiders in our Provo apartment, and it says it's supposed to catch roaches too, but so far, no luck. He's still hiding behind our dishwasher.

This means we're in Louisiana.


  1. Oh man - cockroaches in the South are HUGE!!! We had one in our motel room in Little Rock. Bleck. Hope you catch that sucker ASAP!!!

    1. It's surprisingly disgusting :) Hope your move is going well!

  2. And the bigger the house, the more there are! These guys are disgusting! Raid has some good sprays

    1. Yuck. Do you guys have them too? We got some kind of sticky trap (the name has the word cat in it, I think), and we haven't seen it since. But it's still a little worrisome!

  3. Now it true that you'll want get rid of the little guest (I mean pest), but in the mean time, you ought to at least give the fella a name. (It will give you a psychological advantage over the situation.) While we were in our little cabin in the the Amazon, I named the five that we happened to be sharing space with. There was Carlita, Cataldo, Gizmo, Ringo, and Hal. We'd come in from a day of birding and flip the switch to the single lightbulb hanging from the middle of our room, I'd snap my fingers and say, "OK, kids we are home now. Back to your corners!" We just made sure to keep everything zipped up and shut...they are curious and just so nosy.

    1. We laughed so hard over this, Terrie! You sure know how to cope!

  4. Laughing..... and I agree with Terrie. Naming the pest sounds like a good coping skill, just don't get too attached:) Off the top of my head I think that Herman or Houdini are fitting. Love, Mom

  5. oh honey. in the south... when there's one, there's many. and take it from someone who has one too many unfortunate experiences with those nasty things! someone who lives two miles from the US-Mexico border - how's that for south!! :(

    1. Gross, gross, gross. I hope there aren't any more! I might just have a heart attack. Have you been able to get rid of the ones you have?

  6. I got "used" to them on my mission(meaning not really)--saw them mostly in Cape Verde, but at least once in Portugal too. Found a giant one in my sandal once and I threw the whole thing across our apartment. Other times we'd play floor hockey with them and try to sweep them out the door.
